Your specialist in aerial photos on the Canary Islands:     Helicop - Fotos

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You still don`t have an aerial photo of your house?

You still don`t have an aerial photo of your lot?

You still don`t have an aerial photo of your finca?

You still don`t have an aerial photo of your village?

You still don`t have an aerial photo of your hotel?

 You still don`t have an aerial photo of your factory?

You still don`t have an aerial photo of your yacht ?

                                      Why not?

Aerial photos don`t have to be expensive!


You are interested in aerial photos.?

          Here is your place. My company works with digital aerial photographs for over 10 years in the Canary Islands.  Aerial photos are used for different occasions. They are used for publicity, for plans, for documentation, for marketing, for orientation and as a present.

             With us you will get a individual service. The flight will be discussed in every detail between you and the photographer. We don`t do simple airborne pictures. Your personal wishes and Your private ideas will have their influence. Because you are talking directly to the photographer, aerial photos will be realized including Your wishes and ideas and the result will be what you wanted to be realized.

The photo Stock can be used as well.

The main area are the Canary Islands. But, when circumstances permit, we will work also national or international.

Here we fly with the air planes of the brand “ CESSNA “  with the aircraft “ CESSNA “ and the helicopters of the companies, that have licenses.




We offer the following services:

Aerial pictures in high resolution

Decoration inside and outside

Advertisment inside and outside

Reports of aerial photos

Using the stock of aerial photos

Photo shooting inside and outside

Panoramic photos in high resolution

If you would like  to know now what it will cost you, please contact us and a soon as possible you get your offer.




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